J-D'Amore's World

Brining It To You Raw!

Solitary Mind Trailer 1

Check out the first trailer to my short film coming this December. Watch in HD. Tell a friend!! Thanks!!

TRTD Update: Chris Brown & The World of Haters

The Road to Dreams Episode 3

The Road to Dreams Episode 3

The Road to Dreams Episode 2

The Road to DREAMS: Episode 1

Will Smith on Life, Purpose, Fear and Focus: Don't "Settle"

When is A Dream really A Dream?

***This blog really doesn't pertain to anybody or any one thing individually. Its just a pov from me.****

Who has a big dream? I mean a really BIG dream!? A dream so big that it actually seems impossible despite the over used phrase "Don't let anybody tell you you can't do something." Well, can I keep it real for a second? My dreams are pretty much ridiculous. Not ridiculous in what I want to do, just ridiculous in how big it is and how big I want to do things. I have heard the phrase over and over through out my life, however, with little support. I'm not talking about the support from your parents who tell you you can do anything and believe in you and all that. I mean, when your doing something big or trying to do something big, isn't it funny how people don't recognize you until somebody else realizes your doing it big?

Think about it, look how people treat people before they were somebody. It wasn't always the best. Some people have been through some stuff to get to where they are, and when they get there only then do they get credit. Until then, they just get hated on by people, talked about by so called friends who don't even know them, and lies, lies, lies.

But in my case, some of that is the same. If you don't know me, I'm actually a quiet person, specially if I don't know you. So people over look me all the time..haha. But what if I in the words of Jamie Foxx "Blow-up-suated," next week? Imagine everybody who would notice me then. Would it be wrong for me to not notice them back for remembering the times they never noticed me? In the Bible, it says you should forgive every one, no matter what they have done to you, or whatever it may be. Well, if you are one of the people who thinks I should notice them, there's my loop hole. They have done no wrong to me, so I'm not obligated to say or do anything for them. And believe me I don't plan on it..haha.

But most of all, I HATE THE FAKE PEOPLE! I HATE THE PEOPLE THAT HATE ON PEOPLE WHEN THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEM, specifically. I know a few people like that, that just hate to hate. Talk about people just to talk about them, when they cant even manage their own lives. For'real, do you have any room to talk about anybody? And you talk about the people that are suppose to be your friends, lol. Man, is that what friendship has come to, not being real, in the words or Ray J, not "Keeping it 100?" Its crazy how folks act when people aren't around and what they really say. Its quite ridiculous. You have so many problems yourself, please, get yourself straight before you talk about anybody else. Then, you can holla at me!

I apologize for that outburst, you'll have to excuse my blogging turrets. Back to me. When is A Dream really A Dream? That's my question. How do you know when your dream when your awake, will only come true when your sleeping? Let's be real, not everyone can do what they want. Not everybody who wants to be president is going to be, not everyone who wants to be a doctor is going to be, and not everyone who wants to be an entertainer of any sort is going to. America is suppose to be known as the land where you make your dreams come true, but is that really the case? Or is America really the land of false hopes to over 60% of its residents?

The truth is there are literally dozens of obstacles that stand in your way, if not hundreds. Lets face it, some of us aren't smart enough for what we really want to be, or not skinny enough, not tall enough, not educated enough, not WEALTHY enough and not the right COLOR. That's the truth America! They like to use statistics like "Every 6 seconds, a child dies from hunger." That's bad, that's something we know and see. But what's even worse is that 'Every DAY someone has their dreams unknowingly crushed,' and they live out their entire life unaware until one day it all comes crashing down.

So when is it really a dream. If only we had a crystal ball huh? Well many rely on religion specifically Christianity to let God lead them down the correct path. But even with that being said, the path God may have for you is probably not the one you planned when you were little and quite sure what you wanted to do and later evolved as you got older.

So that is the truth America, many dreams will remain just what they are, DREAMS. So it's up to you to determine what happens when your no longer sleeping. Crumble, or make new dreams and goals reality. You are only in control of YOU, so do whatever you can to do YOU. Forget the haters and the fakes. You can do one of two things, 1. Keep your dreams, dreams, or 2. Make them come true.

Even on nights like this when I am down, I still choose 2. I only hope that I can get this motivation and keep it forever. What will you do!?

Have you ever broken a bone? Or anyone in your family?

No I havent. Idk about anybody in my family..lol. Not that I know of.

Ask me anything!!


Ask me anything!! http://formspring.me/TheREALJDAmore


Ask me anything!! http://formspring.me/TheREALJDAmore

A benefit to you and the biggest benefit you bring to the industry.

The biggest benefit to me would be money. I have big dreams and big businesses I want to own. It has always been about business. But I believe God has given me this talent as my financial gateway to acheive my other dreams. And also allowing me the financial stability to help others. To find the people of the world who need the help and to give them gifts they could never have imagined. The biggest benefit to the industry is to hopefully create a path for others to walk in who's dreams of being in any entertainment industry seemed far-fetched. To create that lane for them to walk on, and then to create their own!

Ask me anything!!

What's your favorite genre of music?

Anything that sounds good to my ears!

Ask me anything!!

If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?

Shark Tank

Ask me anything!!


Ask me anything!! http://formspring.me/TheREALJDAmore

What would be the biggest benefit if you made it "big" in Hollywood or the entertainment industry?

What do you mean by benefit? Benefit to me or what I can bring to the industry?

Ask me anything!!

what's the weirdest thing you or someone else has put in your ass?


Ask me anything!!


Ask me anything!! http://formspring.me/TheREALJDAmore


Ask me anything!! http://formspring.me/TheREALJDAmore

What exactly is it that you're wanting votes for? Do you sing? Act? Dance? What is it and where (youtube video) can I see your talent performed?

It this show called "If I Can Dream." Created by American Idol's Simon Fuller. Giving aspiring artists the opportuinity to make their dreams come true in their respective fields. Here is a link where you can watch the videos and find out more about the show: http://bit.ly/aTDK6b

Ask me anything!!

Do you believe in luck?

To everyone but me seemingly. However, with good preparation, almost anything is possible.

Ask me anything!!


Ask me anything!! http://formspring.me/TheREALJDAmore

What's the last dream you remember?

Um.. no idea. I feel like I had one last night, but who know..lol

Ask me anything!!

Que (former member of Day 26) Disses Willie of Day 26

After a long drawn out (divorce) between Day 26 & Que, he says he is ready to break his silence about Day 26, but seemingly more towards Willie. Willie has released his solo mixtape "Sextape" on his personal site. Sextape has gotten many positive reviews on Twitter and other social sites and blogs.

While Que was suppose to release his "Q'Files" mixtape on the same day as Will, it was repeatedly pushed back until today. To fill you in if you weren't a viewer of the last season of "Making the Band," Que, week in and week out had problems with different members of the group. From one week Robert to the next week Brian. Nobody was safe as Que seemed to be unstable in his emotions, sometimes flipping out on people for no reason. It was said that he had personal problems that leaked into the the group as a whole and specifically their studio sessions, which ultimately caused for the letter to be written notifying Que that he was no longer a member of Day 26.

Speculations of the original date of Que's mixtape paralleled Willie's, almost as if Que had planned it for competition purposes and to gain more hype for his own mixtape. The very first song on Que's mixtape entitled "Well Overdue" directs itself solely at Will. One line in verse one says "Did you forget that you were married," (Willie is the only member of Day 26 that is married while Robert is rumored to be engaged). Another line states "Like how you couldn't do a show without rolling off that 'E." 'E,' could be a few things, but its safe to say the most known 'E' is the hallucinogen "Ecstasy (there is no proof Will is a user of the drug)."

Que seems ready to let out all the secrets of his former band mates while still trying to remain a positive image to his fans and family. That is a hard line to walk. He also repeats in other songs on his mixtape that Day 26 wont make it without him, insinuating that he was a primary reason for all the fans and success of the group.

Hmm...Que was kicked out of the group for anger problems, lateness to meetings, shows, and studio sessions, vast amount of spending which later caused financial problems, and his physical fights within the group. Willie should just say what most people are actually thinking, Que has a lot of "BITCHASSNESS," in him!

What are your thoughts?

checked out Jerrell @IfICanDream

checked out Jerrell @IfICanDream

National Ledger - P Diddy to Buy Soccer Team - British Football Club Crystal Palace?

National Ledger - P Diddy to Buy Soccer Team - British Football Club Crystal Palace?

"Who spends more on Weave, Black women or White women?

For years women have searched to find new levels of beauty. From make-up to surgical additions or reductions to of course fake hair. It's a given fact that the hair industry records over 9.7 billion dollars a year (to me a ridiculous number). With a number that high, its safe to say women all over America, black and white, are coming out out their purses for a new look. But the real question is, how much does one woman spend on weave a month or even a week; and better yet which race of women spends more?

When thought of, weave is primarily associated with the African-American woman of the world. In many cases this is true. However, you do have the naive people who say that ONLY black women where weave. We all truly know that isn't true. The reasons for black women wearing weave varies from hair problems, to perms gone bad, to just simply their hair grows slow. Whatever the reason, many pay whatever the cost to make their hair look better.

For those Americans who believe only black women wear weave, I'm sorry to say your sadly mistaken. Look at women all over Hollywood and other high end areas such as California, New Jersey, Florida and many more. White women all over spend money on weave, but just call it a different name, 'hair extensions.' White women are known for having natural long flowing hair that seldom needs mass amounts of work. For example: where a black woman has to get a perm to straighten her hair, most white women can just whip out their straighteners and make it happen. Also, black women have a certain (if you will) height to their hair, somewhat of a natural puffiness. Where some white women must use items such as the "Bumpit," to get that needed lift.

Give or take, both race of women have their pluses and minuses. But when those minuses begin to out weigh those pluses, its time for the alternative that has been used for over 50 years, Weave. But when is weave too much? Some women spend over $300 for a single hair piece, where as some spend as low as $30.

So my question goes out to all the races of women in the world, who do you think spends more and why? And if you are someone who invests in the product, how much have you paid and what are you willing to pay for top of the line brands?

New Blogs Coming Soon!

What's Up Everyone,

Glad you decided to come to this new World. Hope you all digg it for everything it will give and offer you. I plan to give you new perspectives of life and allow you to think a new way in this new world. New blogs coming soon. Check me out on Twitter, Myspace and Facebook. Take a DEEP breath and walk with me!